An Introduction to Webprogramming in Clojure - Ring and Middleware
Ring is where web-development with Clojure begins. It is the underlying technology on which many other frameworks rely on. This article features an introduction to Ring. I assume that the reader has a basic understanding of the HTTP-protocol, as well as some knowledge in programming Clojure and working with Leiningen.
Ring in its Ecosystem
Ring is a library with capabilities roughly equivalent to Rack in Ruby or WSGI in Python. Both provide a reasonably pleasant HTTP interface. They also abstract the access to various web-servers for their respective platform.
Ring is also a Clojure wrapper around the Java HTTP Servlet API. The class HttpServlet
as well as the interfaces HttpServletRequest
, and HttpServletResponse
are relevant. Ring doesn't provide an own implementation of the Servlet API. We can use any of the available open-source or comercial implementations. The Jetty servlet container stands out; mainly because it is very easy to use from the context of a development or testing environment1.
Processing a HTTP Request with Ring
On the other hand, the underlying specification of Ring is at least as important then the actual implementation. It embodies a clever way how the pieces of a webserver can be composed on the basis of higher order functions. We will see how some of those fit together in the following sections.
Ring Quickstart
We create a new project of the name "quickstart" by invoking lein new quickstart
. We edit the file project.clj
such that it includes all required dependencies as follows:
(defproject quickstart "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[ring "1.1.5"]])
We can now fetch and install the dependencies with lein deps
2. Now, let us edit src/quickstart/core.clj
such that it reads as the following:
(ns quickstart.core)
(defn handler [request]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hello World!"})
We open a REPL with lein REPL
3, we load and refer the adapter with (use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
as well as the code from our quickstart project (use 'quickstart.core)
, and finally start the server with (run-jetty handler {:port 8383})
. We will seed the body as defined previously when we open http://localhost:8383
in a browser.

The Response Shown in a Browswer Window
The Handler and a closer look at Requests and Responses
The request is passed on to the handler as a clojure hash which contains keywords and simple textual information4. Let us rewrite our handler, such that it returns a textual description of the request.
(defn handler [request]
{ :status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (str "Request:\n\n"
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint request)))})
Dynamic Reloading
We restart the REPL and procede as before. However, we use (run-jetty #'handler {:port 8383 :join? false})
to start the server this time. This enables us to change the code "on the fly", and afterwards reload it with (use :reload 'quickstart.core)
. The changes will be reflected immediately, without need to restart the server or even ending the REPL! Other variants to achieve the same behavior are discussed in ring's wiki Interactive Development.
Request Parameters
We can now see the full and rather lengthy request. The information most relevant for forming the response is the uri, the query-string and the request-method. We can easily influence the first two, e.g. by typing http://localhost:8383/blahblah?somekey=somevalue
into the address bar of the browser and hitting enter. Try to find the relevant information in the output.

The request, printed within the body of the response.
Unfortunately, we still can't inspect the response headers, which can be quite important during development.
Sending Requests and Receiving Responses with clj-http
We will use the clj-http library to send and receive requests for developing purposes from the REPL. Alternative tools can be browser-embedded, like the chrome development tool or firebug together with the JQuery library5; or possibly a command line tool like curl6. The first is the most portable and dependt variant, so let us add it to the project dependencies7 :dependencies [ [clj-http "0.5.3"], ...
Now, let us descend into the project's folder and start a second REPL. We, load the http-client with (require '[clj-http.client :as client])
, it is available as client
afterwards. We can now send a request with the get function, and display the response too:
user=> (pprint (client/get "http://localhost:8383/foo/"))
{:trace-redirects ["http://localhost:8383/foo/"],
:request-time 37,
:status 200,
{"content type" "text/plain",
"connection" "close",
"server" "Jetty(7.6.1.v20120215)"},
"Request:\n\n{:ssl-client-cert nil,\n :remote-addr \"\",\n :scheme :http,\n :request-method :get,\n :query-string nil,\n :content-type nil,\n :uri \"/foo/\",\n :server-name \"localhost\",\n :headers\n {\"accept-encoding\" \"gzip, deflate\",\n \"connection\" \"close\",\n \"user-agent\" \"Apache-HttpClient/4.2.1 (java 1.5)\",\n \"content-length\" \"0\",\n \"host\" \"localhost:8383\"},\n :content-length 0,\n :server-port 8383,\n :character-encoding nil,\n :body #<HttpInput org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInput@48268a>}\n"}
The response contains the status code 200, a few headers, and the body as it is prepared by our handler. The latter isn't printed out nicely this way. But this can be improved with (println (:body (client/get "http://localhost:8383")))
Let us try to request with the HEAD
verb : (pprint (client/head "http://localhost:8383"))
. The response is very similar. The pronounced difference to GET
is that the body is missing. This is in accordance with the specification. However, it might be a surprise since we didn't take any action for this to happen when we defined the handler. Suppressing the body is handled upstream. It already happens in the Java servlet container and not even in Ring itself8. The key observation is that modification of the response can happen after we created it and passed it along.
Next, we request with the DELETE
verb: (pprint (client/delete "http://localhost:8383/foo"))
. We retrieve essentially the same respond as with GET
, and in particular a 2xx respond code, meaning that the request has been successfully processed. This is certainly not what should happen since no resource "foo" has, or is going to bee erased. Let us fix this.
(ns quickstart.core)
(defn respond-to-get [uri & more]
{ :status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (str "Hello, you requested " uri)})
(defn respond-to-other []
{ :status 405 })
(defn handler [request]
(condp = (:request-method request)
:get (respond-to-get (:uri request) (:query-string request))
:head (respond-to-get (:uri request) (:query-string request))
The above code dispatches on the http verb, either to the function respond-to-get or respond-to-other respectively. We send GET or HEAD requests to this function (see the previous section on why we can procede as such with HEAD) and all others to respond-to-other.
The function respond-to-other will send the status code 405, meaning that requesting this method is not allowed. The function respond-to-get is just a slight variation of our previous response.
Dispatching on the verb is most likely second step after dispatching on the uri, and possibly on the request-query too. We will discuss how to dissect the request-query string into a more accessible structure by the use of middleware in the following section.
Ring Middleware
One composable way to add or modify the information of and response is to wrap the handler by an higher order function. Such a function takes the (original) handler as its first argument, followed by possible further arguments. It returns a handler function.
Wrapping The Handler by Means of Higher Order Functions
Adding a Custom Header
An example that adds an additional header follows below:
(defn add-app-version-header [handler]
(fn [request]
(let [resp (handler request)
headers (:headers resp)]
(assoc resp :headers
(assoc headers "X-APP-INFO" "MyTerifficApp Version 0.0.1-Alpha")))))
We add this function to quickstart/core
. We need to restart the REPL this time. We are going to wrap the new function around the existing handler and therefore start the server with (run-jetty (add-app-version-header handler) {:port 8383 :join? false})
. The additional header is included in response if requested via get or head as indicated previously:
user=> (pprint (client/get "http://localhost:8383/foo/"))
{:trace-redirects ["http://localhost:8383/foo/"],
:status 200,
{"x-app-info" "MyTerifficApp Version 0.0.1-Alpha",
"content-type" "text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1",
"connection" "close",
"server" "Jetty(7.6.1.v20120215)"},
:body "Hello, you requested /foo/"}
Dissecting the Request-Query
A middleware wrapper can perform two things:
- It can modify the response before it is given back up to the servlet, and
- it can modify the request before it is given down to the handler.
Data Flow Middleware
We look at the second mechanism in this section. The request-query is available as as simple string in the request headers, which is an inconvenient format to work with. The middleware wrap-params will dissect the query and put the result into a hash structure. Here is how we are going to use it:
(ns quickstart.core
(:use [ring.middleware.content-type]
(defn handler [request]
{ :status 200
:body (str "Request:\n\n"
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint request)))})
(defn add-app-version-header [handler]
"This Function adds a very meaningful header to the response."
(fn [request]
(let [resp (handler request)
headers (:headers resp)]
(assoc resp :headers
(assoc headers "X-APP-INFO" "MyTerifficApp Version 0.0.1-Alpha")))))
(def app
(-> handler
(wrap-content-type "text/plain")))
We did not only use wrap-params
but also kept our own wrapper and added the wrap-content-type
middleware for demonstration. The following shows the response after we have restarted the webserver with app
given as the handler.
user=> (println (:body (client/get "http://localhost:8383/foobaz?somekey=somevalue")))
{:ssl-client-cert nil,
:remote-addr "",
:scheme :http,
:query-params {"somekey" "somevalue"},
:form-params {},
:request-method :get,
:query-string "somekey=somevalue",
:content-type nil,
:uri "/foobaz",
:server-name "localhost",
:params {"somekey" "somevalue"},
{"accept-encoding" "gzip, deflate",
"connection" "close",
"user-agent" "Apache-HttpClient/4.1.2 (java 1.5)",
"content-length" "0",
"host" "localhost:8383"},
:content-length 0,
:server-port 8383,
:character-encoding nil,
:body #<HttpInput org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInput@22de9e>}
Note the presence of the :query-params
and :params
keys. More details are given in the middleware params documentation.
Where do go from Here
References to the comprehensive documentation of ring have been given throughout the article. The book Clojure Programming contains a very good overview to web-programming with clojure and ring in particular.
I do not aim to imply that Jetty shouldn't be used in a production environment.↩
Fetching new dependencies for the first time requires a working internet connection. These dependencies are then cached on your local disk; in the
folder by default. And yes, dependency management in Leiningen is essentially done by maven. Thedeps
command is deprecated but still available in leinigen version 2 and later.↩Leiningen 2 with the new REPL seems to put us into the core namespace of our project. Consider to switch to the user namespace with
(ns user)
.↩For the most part; the body itself (if present) is a java object.↩
We can only request via GET or POST without resorting to javascript from the browser window. POST is already inconvenient since it requires the use of html-forms.↩
If available, try
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8383
for example.↩I is possible to add dependencies for development only. However, the configuration changed from version 1 to version 2 of leinigen, and it doesn't matter in our case anyways.↩
Though, Ring has its share to this in how it uses the servlet API.↩